robots, bacon, and snark

these are a few of my favorite things

25 July 2022

Thoughts on the State of Robotic Grasping and Manipulation from a Supposed Expert in Robotic Grasping and Manipulation

A pinch here and there
Maybe a grasp you will find
Promise you won't suck

03 July 2022

Haphazard Thoughts on Automation from a So-Called Academic

D-O-Fs galore
Find the shortest path you can
A slide will do fine

28 December 2021


Independent beats
An entangled mass of fools
Adventures abound

21 February 2021

The Value in Promising Value Tomorrow

Valued promises
Though fake and ephemeral
Cherished all the same

08 November 2020

Saturated Feedback Loops

Error correction:
The steps to get back on track
But step size unknown